超感侦探由金球奖提名演员Simon Baker领衔主演,他在剧中饰演Patrick Jane,一位加利福尼亚州调查局(CBI)的独立顾问,善用敏锐缜密的观察力破获众多错综复杂的案件。然而,在调查局内,他却我行我素,无视纪律规定,吹嘘拥有超能力,而后承认纯系自己捏造。在侦破方面,Jane屡破疑案悬案,这一点得到同事们的重视。可是,严肃的高级探员Teresa Lisbon却公开反对将Jane留在自己的小组之中。一方面,她不得不承认Jane的侦破能力和天赋,另一方面,却又厌恶他的自恋,越界和虚伪。 Lisbon的小组成员包括探员Kimball Cho,Wayne Rigsby和新人Grace Van Pelt。在Grace眼中,Jane自由散漫会造成危险,同时,却又对他的男性魅力和卓越的侦破能力钦佩不已。和办案有关的比较比较受欢迎的剧还有《疑犯追踪第一季》,还不错。
Greendale社区大学迎来新学期,由Jeff(乔尔·麦克哈尔 Joel McHale 饰)带领的学习小组“格林七侠”又回到校园。众人都很期待,有一个人却对开学感到惶恐,那就是Britta。在上一季里,Jeff和Britta暧昧了一整个学期,Britta终于在期末舞会上公开对Jeff示爱,后者却逃之夭夭,这让二人陷入尴尬的境地。与此同时,Jeff和Annie的关系也变得暧昧不清。 Jeff将如何平衡他们的关系?新学期伊始,学习小组相约选了人类学课,主讲老师却不是他们所想的那么容易糊弄。曾为西班牙语老师的昌被辞退,成了社区大学学生,他拼命想挤进七人学习小组。各种各样的新问题并随着新学期迎面而来,相爱相杀的学习小组将一一解决。©豆瓣
「我欲为人」报告了三个超天然性命体吸血鬼!狼人跟幽灵机遇偶合地住在了统一屋檐下的故事。三人都裸露了各自的机密,于是他们决议跟平共处,在人类的天下尽力生活。在美版中,山姆·威特沃将扮演吸血鬼Aidan,Meaghan Rath则是幽灵Sally,来自演员世家的萨姆·亨廷顿则扮演有些神经质的小狼Josh。而「罪恶气力」中扮演Lucifer的马克·佩雷格里诺则扮演Aidan的导师Bishop。
BBC 3台新剧情剧「唇唇欲动」报告了古代苏格兰社会里一群二十出头女同性恋的生涯中的性,假话跟真爱。 Laura Fraser,Ruta Gedmintas 跟 Fiona Button 已被选为「Lip Service」中的3位女配角。该剧是BBC_3台一次勇敢的破异,报告了一群栖身在明天的格拉斯哥的女同性恋的性生涯跟谈情说爱。 该六集系列剧由Harriet Braun创作编写,已在十月于格拉斯哥开拍。 Harriet议论这部电视剧时说道:“基于我跟我友人的阅历,我素性能写出如许一个脚本,外面有一群性感的女性,她们言笑自如,玩世不恭,实在的反应出一个年青女同性恋是怎样生涯在明天的英国。” “我爱好「拉字至上」但现在咱们更多看到的是一些英国女同性恋即便在恶劣的气候里,仍怀着烦闷的心境流连于酒吧。这布满悲情但同样风趣,由于在我看来那就是生涯” Ruta Gedmintas表演Frankie,一个反叛的!布满豪情的拍照师,却从不肯承当义务。 Laura Fraser表演Cat——Frankie的后任恋人,可能并不像本人所说的那样对Frankie的魅力免疫。 Fiona Button表演Tess——Cat最好的友人跟室友,占有奥秘的本事能吸引其余的女同。 「Lip Service」中其余主要脚色还包含了Roxanne McKee扮演的Lou, Emun Elliott扮演的Jay, Heather Peace扮演的Sam, James Anthony Pearson扮演的Ed 跟 Tom Mannion 扮演的Frankie的叔叔Cameron等。
When a young woman's murder shows similarities to a decade-old cold case, (a cruel and gruesome murder of a young student, which remains unsolved) a new Police Commander (Commissioner Michal Trela) must break the silence permeating an Owl Mountain town. Years later another crime is committed similar to the decades old cold case. Commissioner Michal Trela faces a wall of silence from the Owl Mountain community, where everyone seems guilty - Will he be able to solve the crime or will it become another cold case?
This series blends documentary style with dramatic re-creations as actors portraying real detectives recall the cases that will haunt them forever.
The hit Irish comedy from producers Vico Films will be back on BBC Three for a third series in the new year. Created by Peter Foott, The Young Offenders tells the coming of age adventures of Conor (Alex Murphy) & Jock (Chris Walley) and their mother/guardian Mairead (Hilary Rose) as she tries to keep them on the straight and narrow. The best friends navigate their awkward teenage years, hatching plans and adventures to help distract from their tough home lives and their inability to stay out of trouble. The whole second series launched as a BBC iPlayer box-set earlier this month and has picked up an amazing 4.1 - million requests so far. Combined with the 13.5 - million for series one and last year’s Christmas special, that over 17.6 - million requests to date. Kate Daughton, Head of BBC Comedy, says: "Young Offenders is spit-your-tea out funny and heartbreakingly emotional. A rare combination that’s testament to the talents and passion of a very special cast, crew and writing team, led by creator and show-runner Peter Foott. We can’t wait to share series three - Cork’s finest have never looked finer." Fiona Campbell, Controller BBC Three, says: "At BBC Three, we love championing local voices and The Young Offenders are a brilliant success story for us. With great characters and on-point writing that is hugely relatable to our audience, we’re delighted they’re coming back for another series." Peter Foott, creator of The Young Offenders, says: "We are so grateful to BBC Three and thrilled that they had such faith in the stories and characters of The Young Offenders that they commissioned a third series from us. We had a lot of fun filming series two and three back to back over the summer in Cork, and we can't wait for everyone to see more of Conor, Jock, Mairead and all the characters next year in our third series. "We've been amazed at the huge reaction to series two so far, and we're so happy that we can officially announce that there's more on the way for fans of the show." The Young Offenders has been commissioned for BBC Three by Fiona Campbell, Controller of BBC Three and Shane Allen, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning. The Commissioner for the BBC is Alex Moody. The Executive Producer for Vico Films is Peter Foott, the Producer is Tim Whitby. The Young Offenders series two continues on Monday nights on BBC One and is available on BBC Three & BBC iPlayer.
配景设置在切尔滕纳姆的当局通信总部,David Schwimmer扮演一名渴求权利﹑特破独行的美国国度平安局捕快,他参加一个愚笨﹑不油滑的盘算机剖析师(Nick Mohammed饰)的新团队协作追捕收集犯法者……多[靠谱],对吗!
Desperate to get her family attention, an overworked mother, lie to them about her condition.