毫无征兆的一天,一架军用运输机坠毁在英国伦敦市中央的海德公园四周。这起事变在伦敦惹起不小的凌乱,而谁也没想到它所装载的最高军事秘密将给外地人形成怎么的伤害。都会的另一端,人们好像并不太关怀这起事变的前因效果,末路怒的查理(Noel Clarke 饰)跟挚友马克(科林·奥多霍诺 Colin O'Donoghue 饰)正驱车前去24号堆栈寻觅女友雪莉(Antonia Campbell-Hughes 饰),此前查理跟雪莉不欢而散,情绪堕入僵局。当他们背靠背辩论实践之际,堆栈内的电力忽然中止,全部人都被困在这座暗中的承包之中。 更令他们不敢信任的是,某种奥秘而恐惧的生物盘桓时期,时辰预备牟取这些人的生命……
故事产生在1921年的英格兰,在一战中所阅历的掉败令压制而又沉痛的氛围覆盖了在天下高低。弗洛伦斯(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)是一位打假烈士,公理感极强的她将揭穿假话揭穿本相视为己任,她不信任凡间有幽灵存在,存在的只有险峻的平易近气。 在一所女子投止黉舍中,哄传着闹鬼的风闻,在人们口中,一个非畸形逝世亡的男孩的幽灵整天彷徨在校园中不愿拜别。为了消除先生跟家长的恐怖,黉舍委托弗洛伦斯前来考察。弗洛伦斯很快便开展了任务,在她的夺目强干之下,变乱的本相逐步浮出了水面。而合法她认为疑问曾经掉掉落懂得决预备分开时,却产生了一件足以推翻她今生全体信奉的变乱。
片子所叙说的是一段维多利亚女王暮年在位时所开展出的一段出其不料却又实在的友情。年青的阿卜杜勒是个下班族。他特殊从印度飞到英国去加入女王登位五十周年庆典,却掉掉落女王的注视。 女王在质疑与埋怨由于她的头衔而带来的方便时,两人酿成了意想不到的联盟,相互忠实与互相依附,但是她的家人与幕僚却想方设法的想要阻拦。跟着友情的加深,女王对无时无刻变更的天下有了簇新的意见,也重获了对人道的信念。
由英国黑人演员洛尔·克拉克自编自导自演的对于四个女人的犯法题材片子「四三二一」外地时光5月25日在伦敦雷萨斯特广场举办,导演与四位女配角悉数加入。此中大嘴丽人朱莉娅·罗伯茨91年的侄女艾玛·罗伯茨最为抢镜,她有着与姑姑一样甜蜜可儿的浅笑跟细长的身体。而影片别的三位女演员也不甘逞强,88年的塔姆欣·伊格顿也以无敌美腿示人,而奥菲利亚·拉维邦德与米歇尔·雷恩则演出了大红大绿的撞色PK,这场首映式真堪称秀色可餐。 掉掉落过英国片子跟电视艺术学院客岁发表的最佳新秀奖的洛尔·克拉克在08年的导演童贞作「成年之殇」后,继承在演而优则导的途径上向前迈进,此次与马克·戴维斯结合执导的这部新片,报告的是四个分离生涯在英国四座差别都会的女人,却都遭受了同样的掳掠犯。而克拉克本人除了兼任编剧跟导演外,还将在片中表演男配角。该片很可能是2010年英国佳片之一,值得等待。
布莱德(Barry Bostwick 饰)跟珍妮(苏珊·萨兰登 Susan Sarandon 饰)是一对儿相互倾慕的年青人,素性羞怯的两人,借着加入一场友人的婚礼,终于互诉衷肠,商定了毕生。为了表现对衔接起两因缘分的授业传授的感激,二人驱车前去造访,不意半路遭受狂风雨 ,湿透的两人在夜色中无处落脚,只好向路边一座偏僻古堡告急。 谁知古堡中正演出着一场异色的狂欢扮演。古堡主人——福特博士(Tim Curry 饰)是一名自称来自变性星球的异装癖,他跟佣人与支撑者们尽情狂欢,在布莱德二人眼前展现了叫醒天然人洛基的奇不雅。当天夜里,被离开的布莱德跟珍妮各自阅历了性的休会,二人的思惟起了纤细变更,在后续的一系列变乱中跟福特博士的关联愈发庞杂……
电影改编自真实事件。家庭的破裂令詹姆斯(卢克·崔德威 Luke Treadaway 饰)遭受了巨大的打击开始自暴自弃,他染上了毒瘾,身无分文,成为了一名流连在街头的卖艺者。瓦尔(琼安·弗洛加特 Joanne Froggatt 饰)是负责詹姆斯的戒毒所医生,在她的帮助下,詹姆斯终于有了一个能够遮风挡雨的家,瓦尔坚信詹姆斯能够凭借自己的意志,彻底摆脱毒品的诱惑。
某日,一只流浪猫闯进了詹姆斯的家,詹姆斯收养了它,给它取名鲍勃,当詹姆斯离开家走上街头卖艺的时候,鲍勃跟在他的身边寸步不离。很快,这一人一猫的组合便吸引了过路人的注意, 詹姆斯的经济状况因此得到了巨大的改善,与此同时,詹姆斯结识了住在隔壁的女子贝拉(鲁塔·盖德敏塔斯 Ruta Gedmintas 饰),在贝拉的身上,詹姆斯重新燃起了对爱的渴望。©豆瓣
Dr Kevin Fong tackles moral questions surrounding death that face not just the medical profession, but each and every one of us. Throughout the programme, he meets medical professionals who are at the heart of the dilemmas surrounding our attempts to defeat death and live as long as possible, as well as people who are facing up to the question of how to die a better death.
高塔姆(赛尔夫·阿里·汗 Saif Ali Khan 饰)是夜夜流连于欢场之中的纨绔后辈,他的女友维罗妮卡(迪皮卡·帕度柯妮 Deepika Padukone 饰)跟他差未多少,也是夜店里集万众注视于一身的夜场女王。高塔姆的母亲生机儿子能够找一个贤惠又温婉的典范印度女孩完婚,如许后者能够帮他操持家事罢黜后患,很显然,维罗妮卡并不相符准岳母的请求。 米拉(戴安娜·彭蒂 Diana Penty 饰)是维罗妮卡最好的友人,为了抚慰母亲浮躁的情感,高塔姆将米拉带回了家,谎称她是本人的正牌女友。外向又温顺的米拉深得高塔姆母亲的青眼,跟着时光的推移,高塔姆居然也对她发生了好感。
When Faye Banks secretly enters a competition to win a seat on the first manned mission to Mars, she never expects to win. But when the dangerous one way trip becomes a reality, her life on Earth is turned upside down. With time running out, Faye must d
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In Post Apocalyptic North America, one family fights for survival in this sci-i road trip of epic proportions in a nightmare world without gasoline, electricity, or humanity. Sheltered mother Kate (Krista DeMille, Best Actress IIFA, SIFF, BSFFF) loses her injured survivalist husband Sam (Ron Roggé, 13 - Reasons Why, Stranger Things) and love struck daughter Suzi (Andrea Sweeney Blanco) in a matter of days after they join handsome loner Joe (Jesus Lloveras) in search of a rumored hidden nuclear bunker full of food and medicine. Suddenly alone and lost, Kate fights to stay alive and reunite with her family. Nature will survive. Would we?
With this new series Andrew Graham-Dixon returns to Europe taking us on a journey into the captivating watery world of the Low Countries and its art. This small myriad of regions we now know as Holland and Belgium produced some of the most celebrated names in art: Van Eyck, Bosch, Rembrandt, Rubens, Vermeer, Van Gogh, Mondrian and Magritte. As he travels by canal boat and of course by bicycle Andrew reveals just how important the Low Countries were in key moments in the development of western culture - the birth of oil painting in the late medieval ages, the triumph of the Dutch golden age, and the onset of polarizing modern art movements surrealism and abstraction. This is not the story of one nation, but of fluid, ever-shifting boundaries and the search for identity in an area that has always been politically contested. EPISODE ONE: The first episode will be about how the art of Renaissance Flanders e册ved from the craft of precious tapestries within the Duchy of Burgundy into a leading painting school in its own right. Starting his journey at the magnificent altarpiece of Ghent Cathedral created by the Van Eyck brothers Andrew explains their ground breaking innovation in oil painting and marvels how the colours they obtained can still remain so vibrant today. Andrew will describe how in the early Renaissance the most urgent preoccupation was not the advancement of learning, humanist or otherwise, but the Last Judgment. People believed they were living in the end of days; a subject popular with preachers and artists and intensely realized in swarming microscopic detail by Hieronymus Bosch. EPISODE TWO: In the second episode Andrew explores how the seemingly peaceful countries of Holland and Belgium – famous for their tulips and windmills, mussels and chips - were in fact forged in a crucible of conflict and division. He will examine how a period of economic boom driven for the first time by a burgeoning and secular middle class led to the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th Century. Andrew travels to Delft and Amsterdam to demonstrate the striking contrast between two of its greatest proponents, Rembrandt and Vermeer (one famed for his breathtakingly realistic domestic street scenes, the other for explosive rapid brushstrokes and raw colours, best exemplified in his contentious magnum opus – The Nightwatch.) Radically different in style, both men were united by the realization that they must become innovators in business as well as masters of their craft. Yet boom also meant bust - and in a story with very modern echoes they ultimately shared the same fate, financial destitution. EPISODE THREE: Following a brief period of decline, the third episode will look at how the entrepreneurial and industrious region of the Low Countries rose again to become a cultural leader in the modern age; how despite its small and apparent insignificance when stood up against the powerhouses of Europe it produced important forward thinking artists like Van Gogh, Mondrian, Magritte and Delvaux who changed the face of art forever. In this episode Andrew’s exhilarating journey takes us to a remote beach in North West Holland which inspired Mondrian’s transition to his now renowned abstract grid paintings.
戏里诉说了一个刚出狱的父亲回抵家里是,发明他11跟15岁的儿子在被他们的母亲摈弃了之后怎样自食其力。 「狂人比尔」导演童贞作,一部实在描述伦敦东区近况的英伦黑帮片子。比尔.海沃德是一个毒品市井,下狱八年后回到故地,下定信心要开端新的生涯,但是作为监护人他起首面临的是如那边置他的两个未成年的儿子:15岁的迪安跟11岁的吉米,在被妈妈摈弃后,两个孩子径自艰苦生活,曾经与外地黑帮混在一同。